On March 8, the International Womens' Day, 1997 the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, TFF in Sweden launched its Internet home page: http://www.transnational.org
You are welcome to visit and see that it is much more than a presentation of ourselves. It is science, art and politics in one. You will find out about TFF - its profile, philosophy, associates, projects (books, reports, field work, teaching and courses) and you can read its PressInfos, Newsletters, annual reports and visit the page for TFF Friends. In addition we offer a wealth of info, links and guides to peace research, conflict resolution, Yugoslav and Georgian affairs and global media.
And it presents the TFF Internet Forum with
a) Meeting Point 97 with analyses, comments and advocacy on global peace and conflict-resolution;
b) TFF associate Jonathan Power's weekly columns and c) the foundation's 10th Anniversary Collection with reflections on the period after the end of the Cold War a book emerging over time, on the net - for you to read, print or download. And then there is the complete list of TFF Publications.
The site is mainly in English, but there is Swedish-language material, too. Take a look, and then please help us by:
· telling others about the TFF site
· set it up among your own links, directories and search mechanisms (see search words)
· sending us your suggestions about contents and design
· tell us if we have missed something, including your site.
A selection of search words: peace activism, peace research, conflict, conflict-resolution, conflict-mitigation, ex(former) Yugoslavia, Balkans (Croatia, Krajina, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Republika Srpska, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia, Kosovo), Georgia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Caucasus, world order, United Nations, international conflict management, nonviolence, Gandhi, security, alternative defence, defensive defence, Nordic security, Scandinavia, disarmament, peace building (also from below), demilitarisation, reconciliation, United Nations, peacekeeping.
We hope it will be love at first site. Visit and revisit: there will something new there.
Conflict-mitigation, peace research and education to improve conflict understanding at all levels and promote alternative security and global development based on nonviolent politics, economics, sustainability and ethics of care. The results which aim at decision-makers and citizens alike combine innovative thinking and theories with workable, practical solutions.
I. World image and peace thinking
· Conflict-mitigation - theory & practise
· Gandhi's contemporary relevance
· World order, images and conflict-resolution.
II. Conflict analysis and conflict mitigation
· Former Yugoslavia
· Georgia.
III. The United Nations and global conflict mitigation.
If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact us by email to: [email protected]
Jan Oberg
Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research Vegagatan 25,
S - 224 57 Lund, Sweden
Phone +46-46-145909 (0900-1100)
Fax +46-46-144512
Email: [email protected]